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Discover Dain Ramnauth's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Dain Ramnauth | Love a challenge and willing to learn new things. en-US true Dain Ramnauth, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Dain Ramnauth 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Dain Ramnauth Software Engineer
Queens NY US
Dain Ramnauth

Dain Ramnauth

Love a challenge and willing to learn new things.
html css JavaScript ReactJS Bootstrap jQuery NodeJS MongoDB VueJS HTML CSS PHP

I am a Junior Frontend Developer and like most developer I am passionate about frontend development. But of course I'd like learn backend development too. I am really into building dynamic web applications with JavaScript. I want to work with a company that really care about their employee and a team of developers who like to have fun.

I learned by completing FreeCodeCamp Frontend Development Certification and Enrolling in Udacity Frontend Nanodegree, which is expected to be completed in a month.

I also learned by doing Codecademy tracks and a few teamtreehouse courses.

I like that programming makes me use my brain to think and solve problems. Not only is it fun but when you spend days fixing a bug and when you get it right it feels so good. The amount of endorphins that's release in my brain is amazing.

html, css, JavaScript, ReactJS
A web base application where you can search and save a location into your browser memory.
html, css, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJS
A simple Timer that includes a timer and count down for time keeping.
html, css, JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS, MongoDB
Connected to MongoDB which allows users to create or delete todo's.
html, css, JavaScript, VueJS
Used VueJS to build a tic tac toe game that allow two players to really have fun playing the game.
Making a simple bootstrap react component while learning ReactJS.
Creating a website that's a tribute to Bruce Lee.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP
Visit site to use app!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
a simple todo app build with react
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
My portfolio
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
a menu that has a simple drop down
Using a light weight framework, VueJS, which is similar to Angular, to build a event bulletin boa...
A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
While I am learning ReactJS I build a nice web app to search and view developers on github.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A clone of google home page for practicing my html and css skills.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Creating web application using ReactJS, Users can search location and store them in localStorage.
creating css3 input boxes using google material design philosophy and ploymer.
creating an image slider in css3 and jQuery
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A date and time app create with html, css and javascript
Visit site to use app!
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP
Visit site to use app!
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Using arrays and event listeners to change background colors.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A ReactJS boilerplate that I can easily access when starting a react application.
Creating a movie search application using ReactJS and flux. All of this is part of learning ReactJS.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A Timer and count down application built with ReactJS.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A todo React App connected to a firebase
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A weather App that gets weather data from OpenWeatherApi and build with ReactJS.
JavaScript, HTML
A simple quiz created with ReactJS
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Visit site to use app!
JavaScript, HTML
Solving a set of algorithms to level up my coding abilty.
JavaScript, HTML
A to-do API built on express and nodeJS
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
Visit site to use app!
building a todo app with reactjs

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