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Discover David Chapman's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 David Chapman | Aspiring full stack web developer with real work experience, seeking first full time gig en-US true David Chapman, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio David Chapman 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
David Chapman Software Engineer
Greenville SC US
David Chapman

David Chapman

Aspiring full stack web developer with real work experience, seeking first full time gig
React JavaScript ThreeJS PaperJS Ruby Rails SASS HTML CSS CoffeeScript PHP ApacheConf Shell Makefile Gherkin

An eager, bootstrapped web developer with real client experience, leadership experience, and accustomed to both independent problem-solving and productive team-work.

Around 1000hours to complete, an Open Source bootcamp with a large community of developers, plus tons of from-scratch projects, including paid client work.

Architecting code—finding that simple, elegant solution—is what drives me to work through the occasionally tedium present in most projects.

React, JavaScript, ThreeJS, PaperJS
Frontend for a 3D athletic uniform designer, integrating ThreeJS and React
Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React, SASS
A Rails/React scheduling SPA with authentication, a simple custom CMS admin view, and automatic m...
From scratch OO vanilla JS implementation of classic Missile Command
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript calculator for Odin JavaScript course
A Project for The Odin Project: Convert The Ceaser Cipher Project into a Sinatra Web App
Ruby, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A Rails API + React/Redux chess implementation
A fully custom minimal CSS framework
The open curriculum for learning web development
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
Facebook Clone: Implementation of The Odin Project Final Rails Project
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
An implementation of the Flight Booker project for The Odin Project
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
The third and final app for the Hartl Rails Tutorial
HTML/CSS Curriculum for The Odin Project
PHP, JavaScript, CSS, ApacheConf
Import custom WooCommerce users from a CSV
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A JavaScript implementation of Tic Tac Toe for The Odin Project
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Tutorials from LearnCode.Academy
Ruby, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Shell
A Rails/React web app for scheduling summer music lessons
Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript
An example of using create-react-app with Rails 5 API, ActiveAdmin, and Heroku
A Sinatra Web app implementation of Mastermind
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A JavaScript implementation of Minesweeper for The Odin Project
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript + HTML5 implementation of Missile Command for The Odin Project
our beloved chat bot ❤️️
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Shell
Training Projects for the The Odin Project
JavaScript, HTML
Script for generating colour palettes for use with graphs, charts and cartography.
JavaScript, CSS, Makefile, HTML
react tooltip component
Bullet-pointed MD cheat sheet describing and comparing Rspec's sample data handling (mocks, stubs...
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A sample React/Redux application
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
jQuery/JS Implementation of Snake for The Odin Project
My solutions to the Ruby projects
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Gherkin
Main Website for The Odin Project
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
Artist Website for Uptown Brass Quintent in Greenville, SC
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Implementation of Rails/JS API project for The Odin Project

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