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Discover Hanif Carroll's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-10-07 Hanif Carroll | Fullstack JavaScript Developer en-US true Hanif Carroll, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Hanif Carroll 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Hanif Carroll Software Engineer
Knoxville TN US
Hanif Carroll

Hanif Carroll

Fullstack JavaScript Developer
JavaScript CSS React Native Python Django React HTML WordPress Java PHP Vue Ruby TypeScript CoffeeScript

My name is Hanif, and my goal is to realize my potential in this field while enriching the world around me. I'm extremely passionate about software development, and I hope to join a team where I can learn and grow with experienced developers.

I'm a self-taught programmer, having utilized resources mostly from Udemy to get a basic level of competency. However, I'm constantly exploring new videos and articles from around the internet in efforts to continue my education.

At it's core, programming is about solving problems. When solving problems, there is usually more than one way to get things done, so that introduces some need for creativity. This aspect of creativity combined with logic and problem solving is such a potent combination for me, that I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else.

JavaScript, CSS, React Native
Users swipe through restaurants in Tinder-style, and one is chosen for them at random to eat at.
Python, JavaScript, Django, React, CSS, HTML
3 part project of Discord bot, Django server, and React client that records and lists media posts...
A little information about me and some of my work.
A place for a Newbie and his work.
Fork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable (multiple languages av...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Front end to my full-stack Cat App written with React and Spring Boot.
Back end to my full-stack Cat App written with React and Spring Boot.
Simple CRUD app written with NodeJS.
Practice Laravel app.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Color picker game from Colt Steele's "The Web Developer Bootcamp" Udemy course.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
This is an assignment that a recruiter forwarded me for an open position.
HTML, JavaScript
File Metdata Microservice from the freecodecamp back end API projects section.
Request Header Parser Microservice from the freecodecamp back end API projects section.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Timestamp Microservice from the freecodecamp back end API projects section.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Twitch JSON Viewer App from the freecodecamp intermediate front end projects section.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
URL Shortener Microservice from the freecodecamp back end API projects section.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Wikipedia Viewer from the freecodecamp intermediate front end projects section.
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
App from chapter 1 of the Hartl Rails tutorial.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A remake of simple scrolling gallery that I made in 06/17.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
React front-end to my media logging Discord bot.
Python script that sends media posts on Discord server to a personal web server/database.
Python/Django back-end to my Discord bot.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Patatap Clone from Colt Steele's "The Web Developer Bootcamp" Udemy course.
JavaScript, TypeScript
Mobile application version of Pick-My-Eats made with React Native and Expo.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
Main project from Hartl's Rails tutoria.

Order, order! You need to login

Contact Hanif and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff