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Discover Michael Irby's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Michael Irby | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Michael Irby, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Michael Irby 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Michael Irby Software Engineer
Michael Irby

Michael Irby

JavaScript React.js Node.js NPM React-Google-Maps React-Router jQuery HTML CSS Bootstrap MySQL Express

I am a codeschool graduate with no former development work experience. Several years of IT support experience and looking to get into development. I primarily have studied JavaScript and the MERN and LAMP stacks.

Bootcamp - DigitalCrafts and some self taught

Problem solving. It is a very rewarding feeling to solve problems with code. Also I like how you continue to learn every day.

JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, NPM React-Google-Maps, React-Router
A fully React.js app with Google Maps API. You get a question and you have to locate the answer o...
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
A Movie API app that shows currently playing movies, and a database search for any movie as well.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A fully React.js app with Google Maps API. You get a question and you have to locate the answer o...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
BlackJack game built with the core front-end skills.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A Movie API app that shows currently playing movies, and a database search for any movie as well.
MySQL, Express, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Full-Stack project. MySql database running through Express Node.js
React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
React.js and React-Router used with Navbar. Set this up to get future projects off the ground faster
Personal practice
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
HTML5 Canvas, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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