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Discover Natasha Robarge's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Natasha Robarge | Software Developer | Determined Gamer | Lifelong Learner | Let's keep people smiling through apps en-US true Natasha Robarge, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Natasha Robarge 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Natasha Robarge Software Engineer
Austin TX US
Natasha Robarge

Natasha Robarge

Software Developer | Determined Gamer | Lifelong Learner | Let's keep people smiling through apps
React JavaScript CSS MongoDB Yelp API React Native Firebase Python HTML TypeScript Objective-C Java

I'm the protagonist of a video game, who is passionate and determined. I am a programmer who aspires to learn more about the field and how I can contribute in a meaningful way and help others. As a humanitarian, I want to help society and I will do that through coding; whether that means creating an informative website to teach people about different topics or by developing a video game for people to play after a hard day. If it can help someone somehow, I'm in.

I learned to code with Hack Reactor's technical interview prep courses and I attended General Assembly's full stack immersive web development 12 week course.

What I like most about programming is learning really cool new technologies. Seriously, if you haven't tried React Native once or Elm, you should look into it because they're so cool.

React, JavaScript, CSS, MongoDB, Yelp API
Nommad brings you the convienence of finding food trucks near you.
React Native, JavaScript, Firebase
Frank brings an efficient solution to commercial electricity
Python, HTML
Tutorial on Django for using Python as a web framework.
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
Build a news system using flexbox
Frank App's back-end api to connect React Native to Mongo database
fill in the internals of JS functions (with Math object)
TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Messing with ionic tutorial documents
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Food Truck App
Backend server for Nommad App to access Yelp API
Send us a pull request by editing expansions.txt
Retouch/ retry of improving portfolio
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, Python
JavaScript, Objective-C, Python, Java
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
HTML, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
HTML, JavaScript, CSS

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Contact Natasha and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff