500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Discover P.E. Butler III's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 P.E. Butler III | Front End Developer en-US true P.E. Butler III, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio P.E. Butler III 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
P.E. Butler III Software Engineer
Denver CO US
P.E. Butler III

P.E. Butler III

Front End Developer
javascript html css CSS HTML JavaScript Ruby CoffeeScript ApacheConf PHP VimL Makefile

I am a Front End Developer located in Denver, Colorado. I am currently working for a company that builds e-commerce solutions for companies throughout the US, CAN, and some in AU. I want to move on to a forward thinking company that sees their developers as assets of which they never want to lose.

I want to work with modern technologies like React Js, Vue Js, Webpack, etc.

I am interested in pushing the web forward for everyone.

I am a self-taught developer who has learned a lot on the job, meet-ups, Free Code Camp, Codeschool, YouTube, books, github, and generally anyway else I can.

I am constantly working to level-up my skills.

I genuinely enjoy looking for solutions to problems, building the future, and building products that people can interact with and/or use in their daily lives.

javascript, html, css
Visual representation of repository issues/progress.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
CSS, CoffeeScript
A dark UI theme for Atom that (kinda) follows Google's Material Design Guidelines.
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
Colorado ACEP Site Rebuild w/Jekyll
A collection of useful CSS protips
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
React JS Course for battling github users
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
Repository for
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Kube CSS Framework
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Kyle's Website
Live voting app
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
Maloney Painting Rebuild
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
The portfolio site for P.E. Butler III
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A CMS for Static Site Generators
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Building a new portfolio site with React.js
Possibly a directory for client repos
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
Starter kit for projects
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Code that goes along with my YouTube React JS Series
A console tool for interacting with Shopify Theme Assets.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript
Jump Start Sinatra, code archive
CSS, HTML, ApacheConf, PHP, JavaScript
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
Portfolio Project For Udacity
Just versioning my .vim directory
JavaScript, HTML
Simple app pulling/displaying data from
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
Woodruff Tree Service Site Rebuild
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Makefile
&yet's visual style and pattern library

Order, order! You need to login

Contact P.E. and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff