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Discover Saurabh Rana's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2017-05-18 Saurabh Rana | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Saurabh Rana, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Saurabh Rana 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Saurabh Rana Software Engineer
Gainesville FL US
Saurabh Rana

Saurabh Rana

angularjs nodejs express javascript ajax html css bootstrap jquery HTML JavaScript CSS PHP Matlab

I offer 3 years of hands-on experience of efficiently coding websites and applications using AngularJS, NodeJS, Express, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, LESS, SQL and HTML.
My background as a Web Developer and continued education in Computer Science has allowed me to stay ahead of the curve and attain a strong foundation of technical skills.
In addition to the skills I have acquired, and the extensive computer science education I possess, I also have a great track record of success. I was awarded a partial scholarship for my Master’s in Computer Science at University of Florida

I'm a self taught programmer. I learned using Udemy, coursera, youtube and reddit.

As a web developer I can immediately see what I coded - it gives me an instant gratification like nothing else.

angularjs, nodejs, express, javascript, ajax, html, css
Developed a social networking web application like Twitter with functionalities to add tweets, de...
angularjs, html, css, bootstrap
Selected to design a responsive quiz and used the data in the form of the JSON document to inject...
nodejs, jquery, html, css
A Real-Time Chat Application built using Node.js, Express. Open the demo URL in multiple tabs and...
HTML, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, HTML
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP
JavaScript, HTML
JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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