Joel Corey
Featured Interview

Joel Corey
Featured Interview
Well for starters coding is fun. I think of it like Lego's for adults. You get to take a problem and solve it; and in so doing you are either helping yourself, an individual or group. Few things could bring more satisfaction and fulfillment in life. In addition to this, with the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, knowing how to code will become increasingly vital.
Well from the age of 12 I have experimented with coding and failed many times. I have always enjoyed computers. I suppose my initial impression would go all the way back to a game called Radical Castle on an old Macintosh when I was very young. More recently I went on a deployment to Afghanistan, attended the Art Institute of Portland for a brief stint, started a Minecraft community and worked in Pesticides.
I enjoy getting some dirt in my finger nails. Hiking in and around the Pacific Northwest; kayaking, bicycling and gardening as well among other things. I equally enjoy the company of friends and solitude. I also greatly enjoying coop games that are cross-platform.
Currently HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery and PHP. I am very comfortable around computers in general and enjoy what they add to life.
Well, my local development stack is LEMP. I will be learning more about the ins and outs of Nginx seeing as it is often a source of puzzlement online. Similarly Apache but I enjoy Nginx more. I am also working on Linux+/LPIC1 certification. In general I will be sharpening several skills and languages to better serve both myself and future employers.
Well, I am just starting out but recently I incorporated a dynamic array into jQuery UI. It is the foundation for a project for editing arrays in a GUI fashion. It serves no purpose presently except really hammering down some basics in my own mind. However, if it helps someone in the future I would be delighted. You can checkout the code on my GitHub Repo
Well, I was having trouble with multi-dimensional arrays in JavaScript. And depending on who you ask, these actually don’t exist and they would be right. However, you can still represent multi-dimensional arrays in JavaScript by nesting an array within an array. So I solved my problem by learning how to create them dynamically, it was a great learning experience.
If I can do it, anyone can do it. It really is just that simple. And I will give you some of the best advice I ever got: Just go out and build something. It doesn’t have to be complex or have a thousand features, all you have to do is go out and do it. Also, avoid frame-work fatigue by focusing on only a few things at a time, your future self will thank you.