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Discover Tim Schmidt's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Tim Schmidt | I'm a positive problem solver and a big fan of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular and Ruby. en-US true Tim Schmidt, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Tim Schmidt 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Tim Schmidt Software Engineer
Philadelphia PA US
Tim Schmidt

Tim Schmidt

I'm a positive problem solver and a big fan of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular and Ruby.
HTML CSS JavaScript DOM Scripting jQuery Buzz Library Ruby on Rails Ruby CoffeeScript

I like to use JavaScript, Angular, Ruby on Rails, and any frameworks/libraries that a company prefers to use. I hope to learn from the experts within a company as well as be a mentor to anyone I can help. I love to learn, teach, and make things.

Flash ActionScript piqued my interested in programing while making hilarious games and slow websites in 2006. Now, I like using JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and meeting other programmers.

I like programming because I can make working things out of nothing.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM Scripting, jQuery, Buzz Library
BlocJams is a JavaScript music player.
Ruby on Rails
A Reddit replica.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript chat service
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A JavaScript music player
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
An Angular music player
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
A Reddit replica to teach the fundamentals of web development and Rails.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
A rails wiki
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
A to do list API
A Ruby Gem for Bloc students and mentors
A Ruby address book application

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