500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Avvo Company Profile, Jobs, and Reviews 2025 2017-07-05 Junior Development Jobs at Avvo | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Junior, Developer, Jobs at Avvo Avvo Page 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Avvo Avvo
720 Olive Way, Suite 1400 Seattle WA 98101 United States
Company listed on Jr.DevJobs, hires junior developers
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Changing how people get legal help
Avvo helps people find and connect with the right lawyer through industry leading content, tools and services. Founded in 2006 in Seattle, Avvo provides transparent information about attorneys, with Avvo-rated profiles for 97% of practicing lawyers in the United States. A free Q&A forum with more than 9 million questions and answers and on-demand legal services that provide professional counsel for a fixed cost, make legal faster and easier

Avvo makes navigating the legal world easier than ever before. Whether you are just starting to research a legal issue, have a legal question, or need to hire a lawyer, Avvo gives you the tools you need to make legal easier.

Every 10 seconds someone gets free legal advice on Avvo. You could be next.
96 Reviews
Junior Full-Stack Developer
almost 8 years ago
Avvo is changing what it means for consumers to find professional legal help. Every year millions...
Software Engineer Intern - Simulation
almost 4 years ago
We are looking for a Software Engineer Intern with experience in developing software using 3D gam...
Junior DevOps Engineer
over 7 years ago
Avvo is expanding its Infrastructure team to support the growing infrastructure of our organizati...