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BeenVerified Company Profile, Jobs, and Reviews 2024 2017-09-01 Junior Development Jobs at BeenVerified | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Junior, Developer, Jobs at BeenVerified BeenVerified Page 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
BeenVerified BeenVerified
48 W 38th Street - 8th Floor New York NY 10018 United States
Company listed on Jr.DevJobs, hires junior developers
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Search People & Public Records
BeenVerified's mission is to make public records easy, affordable, and accessible to everyone. Since 2007, millions of people have used BeenVerified's website and applications to access public data. In 2013, we were named the fastest growing company in New York City and 26th in the U.S. by Inc. Magazine. We're an expanding team dedicated to building world class products via data and design!

Searching through public records for information used to be very difficult. While governments were required to maintain some public records and many private organizations maintained public records as well, they did not make it easy to search that information. Many times access to this information was limited to those with enough money to pay to access big databases. In fact, even after the passage of the Freedom of Information Act, public agencies are required to allow access to public information, but can still limit how, where, and when to provide that access! What this has meant in the past is that background checks could require people to visit multiple websites and even make in-person visits to courthouses and other government buildings to compile information. BeenVerified simplifies accessing public records. We aggregate public record information from multiple sources, providing a one-stop background check service. 

Other background check services may offer a similar one-stop approach to background checks, but the reports they provide may be confusing and not help you understand what they mean. They may also provide multiple reports for a single person, making it difficult to understand the timeline of activity. Our reports are consolidated and offer data from multiple sources.
10 Reviews
Junior Fullstack Engineer
over 6 years ago
BeenVerified builds exciting data products and then we market them with passion. We're a fast-gro...
Jr Front End Developer
over 5 years ago
Why BeenVerified?BeenVerified builds exciting data products and then we market them with passion....