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Discover Anders Ramsay's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Anders Ramsay | Veteran UX Designer Making a Career Change To Software Development en-US true Anders Ramsay, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Anders Ramsay 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Anders Ramsay Software Engineer
Brooklyn NY US
Anders Ramsay

Anders Ramsay

Veteran UX Designer Making a Career Change To Software Development
JavaScript React JS Meteor JS JS React SASS Webpack

I'm a veteran UX designer and Agile coach making a career-change to software development. I'm interested junior to mid-level full-stack JavaScript development work, preferably including React JS.

I completed an incredible full-stack coding bootcamp at the Flatiron School in NYC. Before that, coding has always been part of my UX practice, such as for doing rapid prototyping and collaborating on front-end development. For one project I worked on, my initial prototype become the starting point for the production version of the app.

I love being able to take an idea and turn it into something real. I love the problem-solving aspect of it, as well as collaborating with other developers on building a great product.

JS, React, SASS, Webpack
One-click Lorem Ipsum
JavaScript, React JS, Meteor JS
A simple note-taking app
JavaScript, Meteor JS
A minimalist presentation tool
JavaScript, React JS, Meteor JS
A simple app that can be a great starting point for a beginner programmer who wants to take their...
JavaScript, React JS, Meteor JS
A production version of a note-taking app
JavaScript, Meteor JS
A minimal presentation app
JavaScript, React JS, Webpack
Many of my previous apps have been built with Meteor JS. For this app, I wanted to build somethi...

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