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Discover Jacky Boen's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Jacky Boen | Jack of all programming trades! en-US true Jacky Boen, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Jacky Boen 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Jacky Boen Software Engineer
Jacky Boen

Jacky Boen

Jack of all programming trades!
HTML5 CSS JavaScript Go C Rust HTML Assembly Shell Java Arduino Python Jupyter Notebook Makefile

I'm a Chinese Indonesian who studied interactive arts and programming who is currently living in Singapore. I love programming in multiple languages and technologies such as C/C++, Go, JavaScript, and many more. I have had experience on things such as Linux, Arduino, ROS but now I'm more focused on the Web using Vue framework.

I'm only looking for part-time remote jobs.

I was taught programming in Pascal and C during secondary school.

The ability to create things that can be useful to people and do the most boring jobs so people can have lives.

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
This is a Coke can gaming console promo website. This is a really old project but it embodies mor...
Go, C
This is Go binding for SDL2 which is a popular multimedia framework.
C, Go, Rust
Just some algorithm concepts in some programming languages
CSS, JavaScript
139Cansole website source code
Boilerplate C program to start reading/writing to Arduino
Assembly, Shell
Utility for downloading Nike #BetterForIt social media
Java, Go, Arduino
An automated light-painting software for installations such as a photo booth.
Python, JavaScript, CSS, Arduino, Shell
A light-painting framework using Arduino, Python, and Web.
A command system for Rust.
Jupyter Notebook, Python
Repo for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundations program.
A tiny email microservice using Mailgun
Enigma encryption and decryption library
A simple CSS wrapper around Flexbox
simple gif to raw rgb converter
Go binding for GL
Go binding of gphoto2 for controlling cameras
Simple HTTP/S server
JavaScript, Shell
A template for deploying static site on Heroku using React and NodeJS
JavaScript, HTML
C, Shell
A simple IDE for programming AVR microcontrollers written in C and GTK+
JavaScript, CSS, Python, HTML
A simplified software and hardware simulation of a Bombe.
Go, HTML, JavaScript
A software simulation of Neobombe.
Arduino program for the Neobombe machine
Network traffic logger using output from tcpdump
JavaScript, HTML, Go, CSS
Reference website implementation using Plato
A Processing-like framework for creative coding
Solutions to the Project Euler problems in several languages

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