500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Discover Claire Savage's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2016-06-15 Claire Savage | UX Designer & Front End Web Dev w/ Clinical Social Work Background en-US true Claire Savage, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Claire Savage 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Claire Savage Software Engineer
Los Angeles CA US
Claire Savage

Claire Savage

UX Designer & Front End Web Dev w/ Clinical Social Work Background
CSS HTML JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap Ruby Ruby on Rails Paperclip AWS Materialize framework mongoDB Express Node.js Angular Node.js

Highly-motivated front-end web developer, UX Designer, and seasoned team leader with clinical social work and creative problem solving experience. Graduate of General Assembly’s 12-week Web Development Immersive program. Current part-time student of GA's UX Design course. I am looking for a place to continue to grow as a developer/designer and learn in a supportive environment

General Assembly Web Development Immersive Program & UX Design Course

Creating things that improve user's quality of life. Getting to know the user. Providing a deliverable that is easy and fun to use, and even better if it provides a valuable service!

CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery
Everyone's favorite online quiz game that categorizes you into one of four categories based on yo...
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Paperclip, AWS
Full CRUD application providing a space for Beyonce fans to celebrate the glory of Ms. Knowles th...
CSS, HTML, Materialize framework, mongoDB, Express, Node.js
MEN-Stack application that helps picky eaters decide where to eat utilizing the Yelp API.
HTML, CSS, mongoDB, Bootstrap, Express, Angular, Node.js
OURrestroom is a MEAN-stack application that is part of a movement to educate business owners abo...

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