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Discover Connor McCurrie's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Connor McCurrie | Sales Guru turned Developer en-US true Connor McCurrie, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Connor McCurrie 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Connor McCurrie Software Engineer
Chicago IL US
Connor McCurrie

Connor McCurrie

Sales Guru turned Developer
Python HTML CSS Node.js Grunt Bootstrap Google App Engine Shell Ruby JavaScript

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with a career background in sales. I have a passion for programming that has led me to pursue my dream job. I am an agile learner who works well both on my own and with others.

I have learned to program through the online bootcamp Udacity.

That you can never stop learning. You will always find a new language to learn, or library to utilize, or even a new framework to mess around with. It constantly engages you with endless problems to solve.

Python, HTML, CSS
A server side python website that showcases a small choice of film trailers
HTML, CSS, Node.js, Grunt, Bootstrap
A fully responsive portfolio that can be view on mobile, tablet, or desktop
Python, Google App Engine, HTML, CSS
A multi-user application with full CRUD functionality
Python, Shell, Ruby
Python, HTML
Site made using server side coding with pyton
Python, HTML, CSS
Python, HTML, CSS
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Random Quote Generator for Treehouse
Python, HTML
Udacity homework 1
Python, HTML
Templates Practice
Python, Shell, Ruby
Had issues updating from previous git, made new one
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
My second udacity project
Python, HTML
Make a signup page that validates the user input

Order, order! You need to login

Contact Connor and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff