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Discover Cortland Mahoney's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2016-10-26 Cortland Mahoney | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Cortland Mahoney, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Cortland Mahoney 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Cortland Mahoney Software Engineer
Cortland Mahoney

Cortland Mahoney

JavaScript jQuery CSS3 HTML5

Web Developer and Composer - I like to make funny sounds and read about strange things.

The Invisible College opened a chapter in Brooklyn, where I was fortunate to be one the first guests. In six weeks, I taught myself modern web development and launched my first hand coded site for a client.

It is thrilling to see projects come to life immediately. When I write music, the notes stay on on the score until musicians play it. With code, I can type lines and statements to see immediate results. Neat!

JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5
First client, a portfolio page for her designs and illustrations
JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5
My own site featuring my composition.

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