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Discover Daniel Rassiner's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Daniel Rassiner | Full-Stack Rails Developer en-US true Daniel Rassiner, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Daniel Rassiner 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Daniel Rassiner Software Engineer
Daniel Rassiner

Daniel Rassiner

Full-Stack Rails Developer
Node NoSQL Javascript ReactJS Flux(Alt.js) Ruby Rails React HTML JavaScript CSS Shell Angular1

I am a highly focused software engineer. I am in the process of graduating with a BS in web development with a current 3.8 GPA and in parallel completed 250% of the Web Development with Rails course. My learning has been highly focused on applying my skills to projects, foremost being my project BOMBA. BOMBA is a simplified Facebook clone integrating React with Rails. bootcamp.

What I enjoy most about programming is figuring out how to solve a problem by breaking it up into smaller parts and taking it one step at a time.

Node, NoSQL, Javascript
Send cute animal pictures through Alexa!
ReactJS, Flux(Alt.js), Ruby, Rails
A simplified version of Facebook.
Ruby, Rails, React, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
A Facebook replica with an added twist!
Ruby, Rails
Probably the coolest anime discovery platform around.
JavaScript, Node, NoSQL
Send cute animal pictures through Alexa!
Ruby, Rails, Angular1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
mini codewars clone
Ruby, Shell
Interact with the Bloc api.
Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
SaaS app that allows users to create their own wikis.
Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Self expiring ToDo List

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