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Discover David Seitz's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2022-01-28 David Seitz | Full-Stack Web Developer en-US true David Seitz, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio David Seitz 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
David Seitz Software Engineer
Vancouver British Columbia CA
David Seitz

David Seitz

Full-Stack Web Developer
React Node.js CSS Jest React Native Expo HTML JavaScript SCSS PHP Gherkin Java Objective-C Starlark Ruby C TypeScript

Full-Stack Web Developer with past experience in customer success and project management. Proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, & React.

I took classes in high school and college where I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I then further developed my skills with the CareerFoundry Full-Stack Immersion bootcamp.

I love being able to turn ideas into real, tangible tools that make the internet a more interesting place.

React, Node.js, CSS
CineFan is a web app for displaying information about various movies, developed using the MERN st...
React, Jest
MeetApp is a serverless Progressive Web App designed to allow users to search for events in citie...
React Native, Expo
Chatterbox is a mobile messaging app which allows users to customize their interface, send text, ...
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP
HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS
JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, Starlark, Ruby, C
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Gherkin
TypeScript, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
HTML, JavaScript, CSS

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