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Discover Donald Fung's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Donald Fung | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Donald Fung, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Donald Fung 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Donald Fung Software Engineer
Donald  Fung

Donald Fung

Python Jupyter Notebook

I am currently based in New York, pursuing a career in data science. I started out as a mobile developer, but switched to data science to align myself with a field that I am really interested in. I have been focused on machine learning, using supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement and deep learning algorithms to solve problems. Some recent projects of mine include building a basic stock price prediction model and classifying e-mails using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

I started out by taking a web development course on Udacity. I learnt the fundamentals while using Javascript, HTML and CSS. From there, I enrolled in a 4 month intensive iOS development program at TurnToTech, a bootcamp based in New York City. I learnt how to code in C, Objective-C and built a few projects and apps. I learnt Python through tutorials on codeacademy and

I like the sense of reward associated with solving problems. Nothing beats the feeling after solving a tough bug or implementing some cool algorithm that at one point seemed too complex to comprehend. It is also pleasing to be able to look back at my code and be proud of what I have accomplished, regardless of how bad it is. The great thing about coding is that for me it feels like artwork. I can work on it anytime, edit it and improve it.

Successfully classified employee e-mails into folders using multiclass classification
Predict prices of the S&P500 Index using supervised learning
Trained a convolutional neural network to recognize images in the CIFAR-10 dataset
Used Q-learning to update the state and the action of the agent after each time step
Trained SVM to predict how likely a student is to pass or fail their high school exam
Segmented customers into distinct categories using k-means clustering
Jupyter Notebook, Python

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