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Discover Elton Cheng's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Elton Cheng | Full-stack Web Developer | Biosystems Engineer | Outdoors Enthusiast en-US true Elton Cheng, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Elton Cheng 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Elton Cheng Software Engineer
New York City Brooklyn, New York US
Elton Cheng

Elton Cheng

Full-stack Web Developer | Biosystems Engineer | Outdoors Enthusiast
JavaScript jQuery jQuery UI ReactJS Express.js AJAX PG-Promise HTML CSS Ruby

I'm a full-stack web developer seeking an agile environment. I love a good challenge and can't wait to tackle new technologies and a variety of projects.

I attended General Assembly's Web Development Immersive. A 12 week intensive programming bootcamp.

My favorite thing about programming are the endless options at your disposal. You can make the same program with using different languages and frameworks. This coupled with a constant supply of new technologies keeps the field extremely exciting to work with.

JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, ReactJS, Express.js, AJAX, PG-Promise, HTML, CSS
Educational game based off of Mendel Genetics
JavaScript, ReactJS, Express.js, AJAX, PG-Promise, HTML, CSS
A job search website that combines multiple third party job search APIs.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Side scrolling space shooter.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Practice projects to learn Unity
JavaScript, HTML
Node server template using express.js
JavaScript, CSS
JavaScript, HTML
Revamp of Project nomnom with new technologies
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Personal website to showcase projects.
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
First Project for GA
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Evolutionary Learning Game
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
You must defeat invading pizza slices threatening to ruin your diet
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Arcade style basketball game that shows some of the fun stuff you can do with jquery

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