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Discover Francisco Pena's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Francisco Pena | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Francisco Pena, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Francisco Pena 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Francisco Pena Software Engineer
New York NY US
Francisco Pena

Francisco Pena

AngularJS CSS HTML5 Design UI/UX Laravel JavaScript JQuery Sass Design UI/UX HTML 5 CSS3 Bootstrap Sass jQuery Javascript AngularJS Git. ReactJS LAravel Gulp Virtualbox Vagrant and Bower ect PostCSS nextcss Javascript CSS and more

After going to college I realize that it was not my thing and I started working on my own projects from home while learning how to code. I turn out to be a very good frontend developer and CEO since I manage to made my first idea and goal come to life and actually made a good amount of money out of it. Since building my first website back in 2011 I have continued to be captivated and in love with what the web has to offer consumers and professionals. I enjoy when I deliver high quality builds for the client and my own gratification. I love overcoming challenges in development with particular focus in all things web standards, accessibility, semantic code, user experience and building website good practices.

Knowing how to code is mostly about building things, and the path is a lot clearer when you have a sense of the end goal. But is it bad not having an end goal ? because I don't, I just keep learning new things all the time. I believe in the programming field there is not end to learning new languages and new ways to program. Technology just keep growing every single year, so we would never reach an end goal this is a fact for programmers.

AngularJS, CSS, HTML5, Design, UI/UX
I worked on this site design on march 2016 it took me a lot of time to put the design together si...
Laravel, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, Sass, Design UI/UX
I worked on this site frontend area and design from 2014 to 2016. We were a group of programmers ...
HTML 5, CSS3 Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, Javascript, AngularJS, Git.
Massive database of anime that I worked on and helped make back in 2014. it was a team of 5 peopl...
HTML 5, CSS3 Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, Javascript, Git. was the first site I build and is my own personal project. I built this site back ...
LAravel, HTML5, Sass, Gulp, Virtualbox, Vagrant, JavaScript, and Bower ect my own personal project new version coming out soon
ReactJS, PostCSS, nextcss, Javascript, CSS and more
I did this on my free time to have some fun with react

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