Gentry Demchak
frontend developer

Gentry Demchak
frontend developer
I'm passionate about the internet. The medium is the message and that message is global, distributed, connected, always online, interactive, and resilient.
Recently got into Rock Climbing and Bouldering at the Cliffs in LIC.
Picked up programming during my time at Parson School of Design undergraduate Design and Technology program where I got to learn and experiment with a variety of languages and technologies such as Javascript, Node, Python, C++, C#, Java, Arduino, physical computing, IoT, ZigBee, laser cutting, 3D printing, ML, and others. This past couple years I have been homing my Frontend chops with React and Vue.js. Also starting to learn ReasonML.
Programming is a tool for building real things with real, measurable impact. I like programming because it allows me to leverage the most important tools humans have ever invented to affect change.