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Discover Gentry Demchak's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2020-01-10 Gentry Demchak | frontend developer en-US true Gentry Demchak, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Gentry Demchak 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Gentry Demchak Software Engineer
New York Brooklyn US
Gentry Demchak

Gentry Demchak

frontend developer
C# Python JavaScript HTML CSS Shell Arduino Makefile PHP ASP Java Gherkin PowerShell Ruby Batchfile

I'm passionate about the internet. The medium is the message and that message is global, distributed, connected, always online, interactive, and resilient.
Recently got into Rock Climbing and Bouldering at the Cliffs in LIC.

Picked up programming during my time at Parson School of Design undergraduate Design and Technology program where I got to learn and experiment with a variety of languages and technologies such as Javascript, Node, Python, C++, C#, Java, Arduino, physical computing, IoT, ZigBee, laser cutting, 3D printing, ML, and others. This past couple years I have been homing my Frontend chops with React and Vue.js. Also starting to learn ReasonML.

Programming is a tool for building real things with real, measurable impact. I like programming because it allows me to leverage the most important tools humans have ever invented to affect change.

AR sustainable shopping assistant. Helps you make sustainable, informed buying choices whenever y...
A twitter bot which keeps followers up-to-date with Bitcoin's progress towards the next subsidy h...
JavaScript animation engine
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
A chrome extension that allows users to post anonymously on Facebook
A chrome extension built with React.js that allows users to post anonymously on Facebook
simple program that generates random ascii art
vanilla JS
A twitter bot that calculates the progression towards Bitcoin's next halving event.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, Python, HTML, Arduino, Makefile
The place for all my classwork and homework from my Core Lab IOT class taught by Ayo Okunseinde
JavaScript, Arduino, CSS
My Parsons Creative Coding 2014 fall semester final assignment for Aaron Hill. A voting system th...
JavaScript, Arduino, HTML, Python
Data-Structures class
warn Discourse users about their posts toxicity level as they write.
Anonymous posting board inside Facebook!
Repo for all class related projects here
JavaScript, HTML, Arduino, Makefile
Final Project for IoT 2015 w/ Michael Wolf and Ayo Okunseinde
PHP, JavaScript, CSS, C#, HTML, ASP, Java, Gherkin, PowerShell, Shell, Python, Ruby, Batchfile
This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contribution...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
svg animated line chart
JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Makefile
Browser Extension to full-text search your browsing history & bookmarks.
HTML, JavaScript
A barebones chat application using Redis,, and javascript.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Makefile
The JS library containing the Monero crypto plus lightwallet functions behind the official MyMone...

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