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Discover James Latten's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 James Latten | Jr.DevJobs en-US true James Latten, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio James Latten 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
James Latten Software Engineer
Lorain OH US
James Latten

James Latten

php html css javascript jquery bootstrap wordpress CSS PHP JavaScript ApacheConf HTML Vue TypeScript

Hey! I'm James Latten and I'm 18 years old. I live in Ohio and I've been living the Web Developer life for the past 8 years! I love reading Manga and Poetry also, it's something I do when I'm not typing thousands of lines of code at night.

I taught myself at a young age of 10 years old to write code and design websites. But now I'm learning more about Web Development in college.

I love the challenge of trying to make the next big thing! I love the late nights and the early mornings of continuous typing on my keyboard. Coding has given me the power to create anything I want!

php, html, css, javascript, jquery, bootstrap
This is my portfolio site showcasing a lot of my work!
wordpress, css, html, php, javascript
This is a custom WordPress theme that I created one night. Its a blog to showcase who I am and wh...
CSS, PHP, JavaScript, ApacheConf
This is a large scale social network that I'm currently working on! I built this framework all by...
PHP, HTML, Vue, ApacheConf
This is a portfolio website for Georgia Latten. It's built using the Laravel framework and also m...
CSS, PHP, JavaScript, ApacheConf
This is my personal portfolio website that I am creating! Its using my same custom framework that...
CSS, PHP, JavaScript
This is my custom made WordPress theme that I'm developing for public use! Plus this is the theme...
Short - Short is a lightweight, speedy and easy to deploy PHP framework. It's written in HTML, CS...
TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Library of templates that will speed up development
HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, ApacheConf
This is a upcoming web development team that i want to put together! But ive built this website a...
CSS, PHP, JavaScript

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