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Discover Jared Wong's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-12 Jared Wong | Junior iOS Developer en-US true Jared Wong, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Jared Wong 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Jared Wong Software Engineer
Cypress CA US
Jared Wong

Jared Wong

Junior iOS Developer
Swift Objective-C

I am a hard worker, flexible, and a team player. I have a keen sense of duty that spurs my desire to get the job done. For example if a feature needed to be fully tested by the end of the day, I would stay late to work with the developer. In past experiences I have enjoyed taking on different roles because I get to learn new skills in the process. I believe any strong team needs good communication, so I make sure to communicate my needs or see if a team member needs help. I am eagerly waiting to begin my journey as an iOS developer.

I have recently received a certificate for Mobile Application Development from the extension program at UCI. From the program I learned about Objective C and Swift using the iOS SDK. I also learned about using web services, object-oriented development, and working in a simulated agile environment. After the program I further grew my proficiency in Swift by attending the “Big Nerd Ranch: Beginning iOS with Swift Training” in Asilomar. I was inspired to start programming when I finished the coding boot camp. I currently have an app being reviewed before its release on the App Store.

I love the creativity that comes from programming. I appreciate the amount of design and crafting that goes into making a smooth running program. The ability to program an idea or vision and see it work is exciting. I also enjoy the camaraderie that is developed within a team during a project.

An app to assist you in calculating tip in any group or individual setting and allows you to save...
Voice modulator

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