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Discover jason leung's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 jason leung | Junior Back End Developer looking for new opportunities en-US true jason leung, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio jason leung 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
jason leung Software Engineer
jason leung

jason leung

Junior Back End Developer looking for new opportunities
HTML CSS Javascript JQuery Jquery Java Selenium JavaScript C++ C PHP Ruby

My name is Jason, and I'm currently working as a backend web developer for a small startup. However, there is a lack of growth in this company, as I am the only developer in this team, and not being mentored properly. Therefore, I am looking for and open to new opportunities.

I took introductory programming classes in college, and I am self taught in programming using Udemy, Coursera, Youtube, etc.

The best thing I love about programming is the sense of accomplishment I get after I figure out those nasty errors, or admiring a complete project, where I even astonish myself how I managed to create so much without even realizing it.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery
A complex version of the popular game by using 9 boards to win a game instead of the singular board.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery
Based on the iconic mechanical toy, this site is built to replicate the functionality of the toy:...
Java, Selenium
Java tool used for efficient job searching by automating the job hunting process on major job boa...
Java based GUI application which allows an admin to add and update bank accounts as well as allow...
An Android application which utilizes a movie database API to display the latest movies based on ...
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Created a restaurant using AngularJs
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
created a task manager application using angular js
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
built a simple page application with angular javascript and a bootstrap template.
Java, CSS
Java coding Interview challenge for MK
console game of Craps in C++
Java, C, HTML, CSS
Went through Duke's Coursera Java course, learning Data Structures and using Java to find problem...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Color the background of html using Hover effects, coded in javascript,html,css, jquery.
CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP
freelancing a single page personal website, uses javascript,jquery, bootstrap, and php for contac...
Created a realistic mock website using PHP,Html,CSS,
Created an instagram clone with the core functionality implemented in the context of android
Bank Management tool created in Swing which utilizes an SQLite Database.
A Bank Management Tool created in java and Swing as the Gui
Grabs Jobs using Jaunt, a web scraping Library, and Selenium, an automation browser framework.
Search for jobs on Craigs List
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
a miletracker app to keep track of how much a person ran on a given date based on their input.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
can search the youtube and will link you to respective youtube link using YOUTUBE API
uses theMovieDB api to create movies for users to pick from so then can view trailers for.
The Website for the Bowler System
An android app uses the HackerNews API to view the latest articles and saves the information onto...
created a website using bootstrap, php, html to make a mock website
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
use javascript and jquery to categorize my projects
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
an ultimate tic tac toe game which can be played here
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
volunteered in creating a website for nonprofit
uses OpenWeather Api to display the current weather conditions based on the user's input of a maj...

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