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Discover Jeremy Granger's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Jeremy Granger | Junior Software Develop currently looking for the next exciting opportunity! en-US true Jeremy Granger, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Jeremy Granger 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Jeremy Granger Software Engineer
Denver, CO
Jeremy Granger

Jeremy Granger

Junior Software Develop currently looking for the next exciting opportunity!
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Python Javascript HTML CSS PHP Codeigniter ReactJS GroceryCRUD Photoshop Ruby JavaScript CoffeeScript Swift C++ C

32 year-old Marine Vet (14 years served), switching careers into software development. CU alum, 2015, B.S. in Comp Sci and currently attending a 10-week intensive MEAN stack web development bootcamp course at RefactorU. Family man, outdoorsman, tinkerer, GAMER.

B.S. Computer Science - University of Colorado, May 2015 : MEAN stack web development course, RefactorU Boulder, January 2017

The problem-solving aspect is what I like most. I love being presented with a problem and working in code to try and solve it. There are few things more exciting and satisfying to me than building something in software that solves problems and makes people's lives better.

Ruby on Rails, ActiveRecord, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS
Enterprise Fitness Competition web application build during senior project for ReadyTalk.
PHP, Codeigniter, ReactJS, Javascript, HTML, CSS, GroceryCRUD, Python
Dog kennel and 'doggie daycare' management software on web.
HTML, CSS, Photoshop
HTML/CSS basics, Photoshop Basics
RefactorU Week 1, Bootstrap Lecture
Bootstrap 3.x workshop assignments
RefactorU Week 1, Exercise 1, CSS Modularity
Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
JavaScript, HTML
RefactorU Week 2, DOM Manipulation using JS Lecture
Ruby, JavaScript, CSS
The First App for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial
HW 3 skeleton for doing BDD with RottenPotatoes
This is our Recipe project for CSCI4448 OOAD
HTML, JavaScript
RefactorU Week 1, Javascript Lecture
Swift, C++, C
Projects for Mobile App Development Fall 2014
Ruby, JavaScript, CSS
RefactorU Week 1, Exercise 1, ResponsiveWeb
Ruby, CSS, JavaScript
Assignment 3, CSCI 3308 Software Engineering Methods and Tools
Ruby, JavaScript, CSS
JavaScript, HTML
Building Snake Game using html/css/javascript
A basic Python program (mainly for the RPi) that triggers an action when a threshold of tweets ma...

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