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Discover Jonathan Walz's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2016-09-25 Jonathan Walz | Web Developer en-US true Jonathan Walz, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Jonathan Walz 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Jonathan Walz Software Engineer
Portland OR US
Jonathan Walz

Jonathan Walz

Web Developer
HTML CSS3 JavaScript jQuery CSS javascript jquery Node.js Javascript Mongodb Express.js

Hello. I am a maker and a learner. I am currently a freelance web developer in Portland Oregon and love the beauty of the northwest.

I learned to program using many online resources. The focus of my studies have been through Team Treehouse online programming school.

I am a maker. I get pleasure out of watching logic turn into action.

HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
This is a site I created to host my personal projects.
HTML, CSS, javascript, jquery
This is a site I created for a local Bed and Breakfast.
Node.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Mongodb, Express.js
This is a small web app created through the help of It's created with Node.js, E...

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