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Discover kamela williamson's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2021-08-23 kamela williamson | Jr.DevJobs en-US true kamela williamson, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio kamela williamson 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
kamela williamson Software Engineer
Mesa AZ US
kamela williamson

kamela williamson

HTML CSS Javascript javascript Jupyter Notebook Python Shell PowerShell Stylus Pug JavaScript Ruby Makefile Vue Roff Swift Dockerfile PostScript

I'm looking for my first tech job at a company that has an encouraging and growth oriented mindset for juniors. I'm very curious and love learning in general.

Graduate of Kenzie Academy in April 2021 for Full-Stack Web Development. Currently working on the IBM Pre-apprenticeship Learning path on Pluralsight for Software Engineer which includes Python and Java.

I love to learn and build things with code. I enjoy the design aspect of coding as much as writing code.

HTML, CSS, Javascript
A magic 8 ball webpage
HTML, CSS, Javascript
TODO webpage
HTML, CSS, Javascript
HTML, CSS, Javascript
HTML, CSS, javascript
game where you move the stack of rock to a different column with the smallest on top
HTML, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Shell, PowerShell
A New Version of 30 Days of Python is nearly here. Get started today.
A template to make good
Stylus, Pug, JavaScript
🎨 CSS drawings with only one HTML element.
CSS, Ruby, HTML, Makefile, JavaScript
A curated list of awesome things related to Django
😎 A curated list of awesome Github Profile READMEs 📝
Python, Makefile
A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Students compose their own math functions from first principles
Create your own importable python package
Ruby, Shell, Roff, HTML, Swift, Dockerfile, PostScript
🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Jupyter Notebook, Python
Sample code for Channel 9 Python for Beginners course
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Solutions for various coding/algorithmic problems and many useful resources for learning algorith...
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
JavaScript, HTML
:books: Freely available programming books

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