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Discover Keith Armstrong's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Keith Armstrong | Software Engineer - Node.js/Express • PHP • Javascript • MongoDB • React • MySQL • RESTful APIs en-US true Keith Armstrong, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Keith Armstrong 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Keith Armstrong Software Engineer
Dallas TX US
Keith Armstrong

Keith Armstrong

Software Engineer - Node.js/Express • PHP • Javascript • MongoDB • React • MySQL • RESTful APIs
Node.js Javascript Express MongoDB HTML5 Canvas PHP Imagemagick Objective-C Swift Redis MySQL C++ Makefile JavaScript HTML CSS HTML Canvas

I am a full stack developer who loves working on awesome projects with amazing people that have a big impact on the lives of others.

I co-founded and am currently working on a new endeavor called that I hope to launch soon.

I started programming back in middle school with PHP and MySQL making small projects and also hosting a small website and forum for my classmates and friends. Later on in high school, I took some Java courses and grew an interest into Linux and security as well as expanding my knowledge with CSS3 and HTML5.

While I was enrolled in college, I gained experience with C/C++ but I was hungry for more and wanted to learn the latest web technologies like Node.js. I enrolled in Hack Reactor where I spent 3 months coding 6 days a week/11 hours a day in an immersive environment with some of the smartest developers I've ever met! I played around with frameworks such as Angular, Backbone, and React and I quenched my thirst for Node.js through the many projects my team and I worked on.

I love the challenge of coming up with solutions to solve complicated problems and the freedom of being able to create anything you want through programs.

Node.js, Javascript, Express, MongoDB
Random user generator is a FREE API for generating placeholder user information for designers and...
Node.js, Javascript,, MongoDB, HTML5 Canvas
A Pokemon Sapphire clone with multiplayer capabilites
PHP, Imagemagick
Picture Cipher will encrypt a message (or even a binary) using a symmetric key and convert the ou...
Objective-C, Swift, Node.js, Javascript, Express
Use voice commands with any third-party API - iOS
Node.js, Javascript, Express,, Redis, MySQL
A fully customizable random data generator for testing your applications and populating your data...
C++, Makefile
Bogosort implemented in C++
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
iTunes (and more) for the Command Line!
:pray: A property generation library for use when testing.
Find, use, and share useful actions from the command line
Codebase that powers
Youtube without all the bloat
:love_letter: An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
PHP, Imagemagick
Picture Cipher will encrypt a message (or even a binary) using a symmetric key and convert the ou...
Node.js, Javascript, Express, MongoDB
Source code that powers
Node.js, Javascript, Express, MySQL,
Source code that *will eventually* power
Node.js, Express, MongoDB,, HTML Canvas, Javascript
A Pokemon Sapphire clone with multiplayer capabilites

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