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Discover Kevin Chau's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Kevin Chau | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Kevin Chau, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Kevin Chau 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Kevin Chau Software Engineer
Orange County, CA
Kevin Chau

Kevin Chau

PHP JavaScript SQL CSS HTML Shell

I am a junior web developer with a passion for everything programming and technology. My interest began when I took some introduction classes in Python and C in college and it has since grown.

I enjoy programming because it enables me to be creative by turning ideas into full-fledged web applications and websites and solving problems.

I am currently looking for a position on a team of other developers to share my creativity and ideas, as well as, grow as a developer creating awesome products.

I learn some basic programming in college and expanded my knowledge through LearningFuze with web programming languages like javascript

I enjoy the tackling problems in programs because they're similar to logic puzzles and it great working towards a solution that is a success. It also acts as a creative outlet, allowing me to create products for other to use and enjoy.

PHP, JavaScript, SQL
Search recipes by ingredients and feature your own recipe
JavaScript, PHP
See upcoming meetup events near you
Manage student grades in one place
PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML
recipe finder site
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Mapping Meetup events and displaying its event details and related videos
JavaScript, HTML
CRUD operating table
tic-tac-toe game incorporating mla citations
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Simple card matching game
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
logic testing using calculator
simple guessing game
Angular routing for mboutique site
php templating for mboutique
JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP
Portfolio stuff
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Shell
misc prototypes

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