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Discover Manasi Pradhan's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2017-03-21 Manasi Pradhan | Masters student at University of Florida seeking full-time web development opportunities. en-US true Manasi Pradhan, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Manasi Pradhan 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Manasi Pradhan Software Engineer
Gainesville FL US
Manasi Pradhan

Manasi Pradhan

Masters student at University of Florida seeking full-time web development opportunities.
jQuery Paperjs Howlerjs HTML CSS Terminal Four Bootstrap HTML 5 CSS 3 JavaScript CoffeeScript Shell Ruby R

I am second year Computer Science Masters student at the University of Florida graduating in May 2017. I am currently looking for entry-level web developer opportunities. I have been coding for long but started with web development fairly recently. Since I started meddling with the websites, I know what I want to do and I know I am home, there is no going back.

I completed my bachelor's in Computer Engineering and my master's in computer science. I have been working with Java and databases for a long time in an academic setting but I am a self-taught web developer. (Online boot camps and MOOCs)

More than programming, it is about finding solutions to a problem and having tools at your disposal to implement those. I feel powerful when I am programming because I know I am creating something that did not exist in the world before. This makes me passionate and determined to create more and look at the world with the mindset of 'what problem to solve next?'

jQuery, Paperjs, Howlerjs
Project for Colt Steele's bootcamp on Udemy. It works on laptop/PCs for the alphabet keys. Every ...
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap
My personal website, I created after completing Colt Steele's bootcamp on Udemy
HTML, CSS, Terminal Four
Website for Organization for Graduate Student Advancement and Professional Development, a student...
HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript
Project for Colt Steele's bootcamp on Udemy
Coursera tests for html css javascript
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Shell, Ruby
A web application to build your blog on GitHub
My personal website
JavaScript, CSS, HTML

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