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Discover Matthew Rice's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Matthew Rice | Front End Engineer en-US true Matthew Rice, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Matthew Rice 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Matthew Rice Software Engineer
Greenville SC US
Matthew Rice

Matthew Rice

Front End Engineer
HTML Bootstrap SCSS JavaScript jQuery Underscore Backbone React Parse Server Handlebars CSS

I'm an incurable childhood cancer survivor, family man, superhero fanatic, and book aficionado. I want to build software that meets real world needs and improves the human condition.

I learned web development in Greenville over the course of 12 weeks at The Iron Yard. There I was certified as a Front End Engineer.

I enjoy how Front End Development allows me to take my artistic ability and personal experiences to build something both creative and meaningful.

HTML, Bootstrap, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Underscore, Backbone, React, Parse Server
FullScope is a full C.R.U.D. application born from my personal experience as a cancer survivor an...
HTML, Bootstrap, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Underscore, Handlebars
Through the use of Handlebars templates, I pulled in JSON data from the Etsy API that matched my ...
HTML, Bootstrap, SCSS
Through the use of Bootstrap and SCSS, I created a fully responsive website that transitions well...
Surf and Paddle Blog is a pixel perfect recreation of a design comp.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
CSS, HTML, JavaScript
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Example server using Express and the parse-server module.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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