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Discover Michael Bulotano's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Michael Bulotano | Ready to deploy engineer en-US true Michael Bulotano, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Michael Bulotano 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Michael Bulotano Software Engineer
San Jose CA US
Michael Bulotano

Michael Bulotano

Ready to deploy engineer
Java Javascript SQL (MySQL) HTML PHP CSS Ruby JavaScript CoffeeScript

I am a versatile software developer with experience in all different kinds of projects: web applications, mobile applications, and database management. However my specialty lies in Java and SQL programming. I live in San Jose, seeking to expand my experience of programming anywhere I can go.

I first learned programming in HTML for a small bonus lesson in 4th grade, but never went back to fully experiencing the world of coding until college. A one day experience, but it would influence my interest in computers. In college I started off with Java in an 'Intro to Comp Sci 31' class and gained more experience while completing my computer science major at UC Irvine. Since then, I have learned various different languages, coded several projects, and got to be a part of different software development teams competing in a coding competition.

Programming, to me, feels like a jigsaw puzzle or any other similar puzzle. You have pieces scattered all over and it is up to you and your team to help complete the picture. Not only do you have puzzles to solve, but there are different ways the pieces can be compiled. The satisfactory with completing the overall goal plus my general interest in computers made computer science the go-to career when I started college.

Java, Javascript, SQL (MySQL), HTML, PHP
A project emulating a movie database like iMDB, for the purpose of learning the interactivity bet...
Java, PHP, Javascript, CSS
An acquaintance asked to help build a website to assist in selling apartment leases in Palo Alto....
How to make a quick HTML page up and running on the Eclipse EE platform.
Buttersworth Competition
A quiz app based on PHQ9 specifications for Morning Signout.
Ruby, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
test railsinstaller

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