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Discover Maritza Clavel de Guzman's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Maritza Clavel de Guzman | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Maritza Clavel de Guzman, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Maritza Clavel de Guzman 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Maritza Clavel de Guzman Software Engineer
Santa Tecla El Salvador
Maritza Clavel de Guzman

Maritza Clavel de Guzman

Ruby on Rails Postgress Heroku Git

I'm a Web Developer from El Salvador, is a small country in Centro America, but you can find a lot of things to do in one day... visiting a beautiful beach in the morning and traveling to a mountain in the afternoon, all in the same day!

I have experience working remotely, I'm a responsible person and I like to learn something new every day. I worked with different tools related to telecommute jobs, to keep in touch with the company, hangout meetings, pair programming sessions, I know how to work remotely effectively.

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, and self-taught Ruby on Rails

I appreciate the brilliance of the Ruby on Rails architecture and enjoy using it to build great applications

Ruby on Rails, Postgress, Heroku, Git
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