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Discover Paige Hetherington's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Paige Hetherington | Back End Web Developer en-US true Paige Hetherington, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Paige Hetherington 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Paige Hetherington Software Engineer
Charleston SC
Paige Hetherington

Paige Hetherington

Back End Web Developer
Spring Hibernate and H2 Database H2 Database Clojure HTML Mustache CSS Spark and H2 Database Java JavaScript Groovy

I am a woman new to the tech industry and filled with enthusiasm to continue learning and cultivating my skills as a developer. New languages are exciting new frontiers! A place with the support, guidance and expertise of senior engineers would be ideal for me to continue to evolve as a programmer.

The Iron Yard - Back End Java Bootcamp

The challenge of solving problems and the diversity of tech applications. I also enjoy working with others to achieve a goal as a team. Before switching to the tech field, I worked as an acupuncturist. During twelve years of practice I participated in service projects abroad, most recently in Nepal treating earthquake survivors. A career in software development allows me to help people on a larger scale, finding elegant solutions to complex humanitarian issues.

Spring, Hibernate and H2 Database
Web application promoting acupuncture volunteerism
Spring, H2 Database
Social app for posting Happy Hour events and locations
Clojure, HTML, Mustache, CSS
CRUD app for displaying surf contestants information, wave score and photo
Spark and H2 Database
UFO sightings app where users can post photos, description, date and time of UFO sightings

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