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Discover Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam | Software Engineer en-US true Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam Software Engineer
Bay Area CA US
Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam

Pasala Vishnu Tej Mallikupam

Software Engineer
python django bootstrap foundation Wordpress. php node.js express jenkins chartJS Java socket ArcGIS casperjs phantomJS

I'm a graduate from Rochester Institute of Technology that major-ed in Computer Science/ Software Engineering, with web application development work experience. Looking for my next opportunity where I would create and contribute to a meaningful project.

College and self teaching while often times, making a lot of mistakes.

The thing I like about programming is using all these different parts and modules to further make a bigger and greater outcome. It's like solving these small puzzles and putting them together to form a much greater and bigger picture. The challenge and the reward is what I like the most about programming.

python, django, bootstrap, foundation
Community based web application that would help users share power tools.
Wordpress. php
Developed a business plan and working prototype for a food delivery web application as part of a ...
node.js, express, jenkins, chartJS
Created a web application that was to be partly developed by independent developers in a crowd-so...
Java, socket
Developed popular games to be run on the command line such as Battleship and Chain Reaction and a...
ArcGIS, casperjs, phantomJS
Developed a thematic map in ArcGIS that was used to display the change in population by country o...

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