500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Discover Xevier Turrubiartes's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2021-03-23 Xevier Turrubiartes | Web developer with a background in the financial services industry. en-US true Xevier Turrubiartes, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Xevier Turrubiartes 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Xevier Turrubiartes Software Engineer
Austin TX US
Xevier Turrubiartes

Xevier Turrubiartes

Web developer with a background in the financial services industry.
React Javascript Node Express PostgreSQL JavaScript HTML CSS Shell PLpgSQL

Full stack developer with years of experience in the financial services industry. My experience allows me to better communicate with stakeholders and partners throughout the project’s lifecycle. I am excited and confident in my capacity to quickly develop skill set needed to contribute to your organization’s success.

Thinkful Software Engineer

I really enjoy the creative aspect of programming. There are multiple ways of doing the same thing with some ways being more efficient than others.

React, Javascript, Node, Express, PostgreSQL
An online bulletin board for your neighborhood but focused on asking for help and helping others....
React, Javascript, Node, Express, PostgreSQL
Mutual Aid app that allows users to submit a wish list of needed items and the admin to see the l...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
My band's website
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Thinking in React assignment.
Throwaway repo to learn Git and GitHub
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Live app link
JavaScript, HTML
Tetris game
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, PLpgSQL, Shell
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, PLpgSQL
JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Shell
JavaScript, PLpgSQL
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
CSS, HTML, JavaScript

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