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Discover Andrea Bentley's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2021-08-04 Andrea Bentley | Front-End/Full-Stack Developer/Engineer: React~JavaScript~HTML5~CSS3~SQL~noSQL~Node~Express en-US true Andrea Bentley, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Andrea Bentley 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Andrea Bentley Software Engineer
Atlanta GA US
Andrea Bentley

Andrea Bentley

Front-End/Full-Stack Developer/Engineer: React~JavaScript~HTML5~CSS3~SQL~noSQL~Node~Express
React JavaScript HTML CSS Bootstrap Node Express MongoDB Mongoose JSON Axios Bcrypt Passport SCSS TSQL Shell

Former software applications developer looking to switch to Web Development after a parenting hiatus. Interested in Front-End or Full-Stack development.

Started programming in the 4th grade at school. My father was Director of Programming at a small company. Earned a BS in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Completed a Full Stack Web Development coding bootcamp at Georgia Tech last year.

Problem solving. From the beginning, with "how can I implement a solution for this user need through software," through to debugging "why is this application not behaving as expected." I enjoy solving puzzles, and the type of thinking that is required for coding.

React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, JSON, Axios, Bcrypt, Passport
Allows non-technical users to create noSQL databases from spreadsheets
React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
My personal portfolio
React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Simple webpage to list saved family recipes
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
April 2021 version of my personal website
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Budget Tracker application that allows for offline access and functionality.
JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, CSS
Builds a MongoDB database from a user-supplied spreadsheet
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TSQL
Eat-Da-Burger! is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat....
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Simple web page to allow you to select whatever files are in your directory.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
React application for displaying a list of employees
JavaScript, Shell
Allows non-developers to manage a company's employees
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
React-based Google Books Search app.
Use Bootstrap CSS Framework to create Portfolio
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Homework 3
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Homework4 - Coding Quiz
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Homework 5 - Work Day Scheduler
JavaScript, HTML
Homework 6 - Weather Dashboard
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Application that can write, save, and delete notes. It uses an express backend to save and retrie...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
When you need to know where to go!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Andrea Bentley - Portfolio
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Redesigned personal portfolio using React
Application will query user for information, then build a files for their project
JavaScript, HTML, TSQL, CSS
App for saving and searching recipes with nutritional information calculated and provided.
JavaScript, HTML
Index of recipe list on bentleytech website
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Website for Joseph John Slattery, Jr
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SCSS
Build-A-Base extension - allows users to create MongDB collections from spreadsheets
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TSQL
Simple app that helps you keep a running to-do list.
JavaScript, HTML
Creates a work team web page based on user input
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
As a user, I want to be able to view create and track daily workouts. I want to be able to log mu...

Order, order! You need to login

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