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Discover David Garber's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 David Garber | Jr.DevJobs en-US true David Garber, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio David Garber 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
David Garber Software Engineer
Portland OR US
David Garber

David Garber

Ruby SQL JavaScript HTML CSS Rails AJAX Bootstrap Handlebars PHP

I love to serve. Bartending was an ideal job for me. Meditation changed my life. I was smoking a pack a day until I did hypnosis which made me quit and never look back, so I guess hypnosis changed my life, too. I love cold brew coffee, sitting outside in the shade, reading, watching the world go by, or hanging out with friends. I see two to four films a week in the theater. I believe learning to code will allow me to work anywhere in the world. That really excites me.

Having seen firsthand the power of data play such an important role in President Obama's reelection victory in 2012, I became seriously interested in code. After the election, I would visit General Assembly down the street from my apartment. I loved the vibe I got. There was a feeling that anything was possible. I applied for their full stack class when the interviewer asked me if I knew how to code. "Barely," I replied. He told me to take a few classes first. I signed up for's front-end web development class. I was working forth-five to fifty hours a week and coming home to code. It was a struggle. I knew something had to give. I did my research and only applied to one school, Epicodus. I got in, quit my job and moved to Portland. I am still shocked at how much I have learned, which, of course, is a fraction of how much more there still is.

It's solving a puzzle starting with the smallest part of it. It's why I love testing. No matter how difficult the path, when those numbers turn green in RSpec, I feel successful.

Ruby, SQL, JavaScript
Flashcards prepares one for a technical interview by showing technical questions.
This website was create at Startup Weekend Latino. Our team won best design and execution.
Rails, AJAX, Bootstrap
This site displays my personal information, the languages I know and displays projects I have cre...
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
HTML, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript
HTML, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, Handlebars, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
javascript, mocha, chai
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
JavaScript, Handlebars, HTML
JavaScript, Handlebars, HTML
JavaScript, Handlebars, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, CSS, Handlebars, HTML
JavaScript, Handlebars, HTML, CSS
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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